Internationally Designated Accountants

See below the information on how Internationally Designated Accountants can become a member of CPA Bermuda.

Become a Canadian CPA 

The Canadian CPA profession assesses international credentials and provides streamlined programs to help internationally trained accountants become Canadian CPAs. On behalf of Chartered Professional Accountants of Bermuda and the other Canadian provincial CPA bodies, CPA Canada has signed membership recognition agreements with various international accounting bodies that permit members of those bodies to apply for the Canadian CPA designation and allow Canadian CPAs to apply for membership in those bodies. Visit the CPA Canada website for more information on membership recognition agreements. Your education and credentials will be individually assessed and candidates will be provided with details on the steps they must take to gain accreditation if they fall short of requirements. All programs have been developed specifically to help you close any educational or experiential gaps so that you can contribute your full potential as soon as possible. Learn more here.

Become a Bermuda only Member of CPA Bermuda 

In 2019, the Chartered Professional Accountants of Bermuda Act 1973 was amended to include CPA Bermuda only membership. The CPA Bermuda only membership applies to individuals holding  foreign accounting designations within a jurisdiction that has no Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA), Reciprocal Membership Agreement (RMA), or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CPA Canada or CPA Bermuda.  These designations include CPA Philippines; ACCA; CPA Kenya; ICA India. In order to become a CPA Bermuda only member, you must reside and work in Bermuda. This membership is not transferrable. If you leave Bermuda you will have to surrender your membership. 

Canadian CPA seeking an International Designation  

If you are a Canadian CPA seeking an international designation, please see the CPA Canada website for more information.